Edition of 40 international photographers

The masterpiece edition is an online art gallery which I am curating right from the start. We have decided to launch it with an initial focus on photography. 40 internationally renowned as well as award-winning emerging photographers are showing their work in digital cycles. The close contact with the artists is our most important tool in selecting works of art as well as in determining the appropriate form of presentation for each work
To the masterpiece-edition.


ME art thinking - finding the right art for companies

It is indisputable that works of art function from their context - contemporary history and in their social and spatial location. This even applies when one and the same person encounters a work of art in different places. Take, for example, a museum visitor looking at a work of art and the same person before the same work at his employer's headquarters. With certainty, both expectation and access are completely different.

Art as a catalyst

Our art and brand experts work together to select the right work of art for every location and occasion. In this way we ensure that art transports also a facet of the unmistakable personality of the company to customers, partners and employees.


The Mushroom is the Guru

Mushroom and Master Builder.

I examine the values of the Bauhaus and their relevance in building social communities and compare them with mushroom cultures.
To think of Bauhaus is to think of the arts as one. Not only to unite forms and functions and to apply the resulting knowledge in an integrating way, but also to include the relevance of the supernatural and the spiritual. In order to follow this idea, I use principles from other artistic disciplines in my projects.

Transdisciplinarity sets in motion continuous thought processes about the role of art in the social context and its accessibility - regardless of gender, nationality, age or financial status.

ME WE - Installations

I am looking for the interaction of the arts in conventional as well as unconventional places. I see the space as a stage and an artistic laboratory. Below are excerpts from various exhibitions since 2006
Bauhaus Museum Dessau, Women's Museum Bonn, Chamber of Architects Munich<


In my artistic work this approach serves me as a research method and I build on the interdisciplinary intersections of painting, music, moving images and theatre with the sociology and anthropology of the image.

Growing in invisible, vegetative dimensions. Not a human being. No animal. No plant

Slime Molds are 700 million years old and seem to have their own will. Nobel laureate Francis Crick, together with Leslie Orgel, formulated the theory of "directed panspermia" in 1973.
According to this theory, the spores of life did not accidentally enter space, but were deliberately sent away from an alien civilization.

According to Crick, sending small grains of bacteria is the most effective way to transport life to a potentially viable planet. As a background for such a measure, it was assumed that a civilization was facing an inevitable catastrophe, or a terraforming for a later colonization was desired.


Creative workshops - experience art with all your senses

With Atelier Rosa I am very pleased to have found a spatial location for exhibitions and workshops. The Munich studio house was far ahead of its time when Hermann Rosa realized today's celebrated concrete minimalism with his own hands in a larger-than-life sculpture. A working space was created whose asceticism accentuates the relationship between light, space and environment in an inimitable way and has rightly acquired its place in the history of modern architecture. In this reduction, I find in Osterwaldstraße the perfect ambience for a lively examination of contemporary art.


WE. Staging dialogues

As curator of the online gallery Masterpiece Edition I am glad to create an active and interdisciplinary dialogue with contemporary photography.

Exploring new paths

Since 2015 we are establishing alternative perspectives for the presentation and experience of art. Together we create opportunities for cross-fertilization with cultural institutions and research institutions to strengthen a vibrant cultural landscape, making targeted use of the reflective power of art as an exciting questioner to create a relevant indirect tangent

ME - A perfect start - powered by the F.A.Z.

The cooperation with the F.A.Z. for the masterpiece edition was a priceless support for us in many respects. The Frankfurt based publishing house with it’s sophisticated arts section is an opinion leader in Germany and one of the most popular media brands. The F.A.Z. has an excellent reputation worldwide and is unique with it’s network of correspondents throughout Europe, a fact that is greatly appreciated by our artists.

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Sonja Grimm
Phone: +49 89 97 89 06 34

Verantwortlicher gemäß § 5 TMG
Sonja Grimm, info(at)sonja-grimm.com


The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages.


The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question. The Copyright of the photography Twirling Wires is by Roger Ballen, for Sternenhimmel by Thomas Ruff, ESO / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2011 and the science-photos by Jürgen Seidel.

source: eRecht24.de/Rose and Partner


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